LaTeX for Preparing Documents and Presentations

LaTeX is a package for professional and scientific documentation. Using LaTeX, one can obtain documents in pdf format. There are many LaTeX softwares available (e.g., TexLive, MikTex). I recommend TexLive for all systems (Linux, MAC and Windows).

For preparing a document using LaTeX, in general, it is advisable to use a predefined template (also called style file) which is a .cls or a .sty file that provides a layout or style of the document; for example, IEEE provides a template for all of its journal publications (see Template for Transactions). One can use the IEEE template, and modify the barejrnl.tex (or bareconf.tex) file to make a document.

Steps involved in preparing a document using LaTeX

  1. Create <file_name>.tex
    using a text editor.

  2. pdflatex <filename>
    This step is called compiling the tex file. This produces <file


  • Make sure that there are no ''important'' warnings in the .log file after compilation. Because, some warnings are serious in the sense that they alter the (look and feel, and the) sense of the document.

  • If there are cross-references (when you use figures, plots, tables etc), do Step 2 (i.e., compilation) twice.

  • If there is a separate .bib file for references do Step 2 (i.e., compilation) twice, followed by bibtex <file_name>, and again Step 2 twice.

  • One can use an integrated development environment (IDE) for preparing the .tex and .bib files, and for compiling. I recommend the following IDE: Texmaker.


Use Beamer for beautiful presentations using LaTeX and Beamer.

LaTeX Resources