LaTeX for Preparing Documents and PresentationsLaTeX is a package for professional and scientific documentation. Using LaTeX, one can obtain documents in pdf format. There are many LaTeX softwares available (e.g., TexLive, MikTex). I recommend TexLive for all systems (Linux, MAC and Windows). For preparing a document using LaTeX, in general, it is advisable to use a predefined template (also called style file) which is a .cls or a .sty file that provides a layout or style of the document; for example, IEEE provides a template for all of its journal publications (see Template for Transactions). One can use the IEEE template, and modify the barejrnl.tex (or bareconf.tex) file to make a document. Steps involved in preparing a document using LaTeX
BeamerUse Beamer for beautiful presentations using LaTeX and Beamer. LaTeX Resources |